Diseases & Conditions

Understanding Depression (Myths & Facts)

What is Depression

While everyone can go through times of feeling down or grieving for a while after having suffered a loss, for people with the medical condition called depression, feeling very sad or having no interest in activities around them can go on for a long time.

Depression is very common and strikes people of all ages, backgrounds and ethnic groups.

Recognizing Depression

Depression is a medical condition with very specific symptoms, which may differ from person to person.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

A persistent sad mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in most activities accompanied by some of the following:

  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Changes in sleeping pattern
  • Noticeable restlessness or decreased activity
  • Lethargy and loss of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
  • Medical help should be sought for symptoms lasting over 2 weeks, which are troublesome enough to interfere with daily life.
What Causes Depression?

The exact cause of depression is not clear. Sometimes, depression seems to occur after a stressful event. However, it may also seem to occur for no reason at all. Today, it is widely recognized that depression is a medical condition that may be associated with an imbalance in the delicate chemistry of the brain.

Depression is Treatable

Most depressed people can benefit from treatment. In fact, early recognition and treatment seems to decrease the length and severity of depressive episodes for most people.

Treatment options include antidepressant medication and counseling, or a combination or both.

Depression is not a sign of weakness. It is a medical condition that responds well to treatment.

The Myths and the Facts

There are many myths about depression: it is time they were replaced by facts.

Myth: Depression is always a response to a bad life situation.
Fact: Sometimes, depression occurs even when life is going well.

Myth: If you can’t snap out of your depression, it means you are weak.
Fact: Depression doesn’t mean you have a flawed character or aren’t strong enough emotionally. It is actually a medical condition.

Myth: If you wait it out, your depression will always go away.
Fact: If you are suffering from depression, it may not just go away.

Myth: Antidepressant medicines are habit-forming, and they change your personality.
Fact: Antidepressants are not habit-forming. They do not turn you into a different person – they simply make you feel more like yourself again.

It’s a fact… “Depression is not your fault. It is not a weakness. It is a medical illness. Depression is treatable.”

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